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Heidi Menocal

Master Teacher


Heidi is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitionercm. She was certified in March 2001. She continues to take advanced trainings to increase her knowledge of the Feldenkrais Method®. After joining Ballet Theatre of Annapolis, now Ballet Theatre of Maryland in 1983, She began teaching for BTM in 1984, mostly at the advanced (pre-professional) level. In 1992 Heidi became the rehearsal assistant for BTM. Heidi became interested in teaching the Feldenkrais Method® after taking many classes and realizing how much her dancing was improving. After a stroke in 1996, the Feldenkrais Method® helped her recovery. The method helped her balance and ataxia caused by the stroke. Heidi is currently teaching Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® lessons, and Feldenkrais® Funtional Integrtion® lessons.

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